Kevin Owen's Q&A with BaCK to Chatham-Kent

"When I was young I worked for Dave Ewald of Ewald Homes... It wasn't long before I knew I wanted to build a business with the similar quality customer service and business practices as his was. I hope to encourage youth in similar ways throughout my career." - Kevin Owen
Where did you grow up?
Chatham, Ontario
What was your first job?
I worked at the Critter Shop cleaning animal's cages along with corn detasseling at a very young age, however I don't remember which came first.
What is your favourite Chatham-Kent pastime?
A leisurely bike ride with my family, I remember doing it as a kid with my mom & dad and brother and I really hope my children have similar memories.
What is your favourite season?
Spring, because the weather is beginning to turn for the better, the air is fresh, the sky is blue, the grass is green and the plants are beginning to grow. It seems as though I dream of change and I am the most motivated.
What did you do after high school?
Worked as a Tool & Die Apprentice. What are you doing now?
I am the Team Leader at Owen Flooring and the Executive Officer of the Chatham-Kent Home Builders Association.
Name an experience that has positively motivated you.
When I was young I worked for Dave Ewald of Ewald Homes. I would say that before I met Dave I was pretty lost. Dave taught me firsthand how to build homes and encouraged my work ethic and intelligence. It wasn't long before I knew I wanted to build a business with the similar quality customer service and business practices as his was. I hope to encourage youth in similar ways throughout my career.
What is your #1 reason for choosing Chatham-Kent as “home”?
It is difficult to just pick one reason, however I would say because Chatham is a great place to live, work and play for people of all ages.
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